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> What we do

Nationwide Econometric GHGs emissions Projections Models
Optimization model of GHG and Ambient Air Pollutants(Fine dust) at a national scale

Bottom-up Model for GHGs Emission Reduction Potential
GHG reduction target setting model at a local and national level

Forecasting Model for emission permit price in Korea Emission Trading Scheme
ETS price forecast model

Emission Reduction target in the public sector of cities and of provinces in Korea

Environmental and Economic and analysis of district heating and cooling system in Korea

Suggestion of the Korea's negotiation strategies

Climate change conferences
Research Projects
> Research Projects
Research Period | Project Title | Funding |
05/10/2021-04/07/2022 | Study on Interlinked and Convergent Approaches to Atmospheric, Climate, and Energy Policies Considering International Carbon Neutrality Trends | Ministry of Environment |
15/10/2021-15/12/2021 | Data Compilation and Advanced Survey for Greenhouse Gas Reduction Policy Effect Analysis | Korea Transport Institute |
03/02/2022-30/06/2022 | Analysis of the Economic Ripple Effects of Electricity Pricing Fluctuations through Input-Output Analysis | Korea Energy Economics Institute |
03/03/2022-30/11/2022 | A Study of Optimal Decommissioning Path of Coal Power Plants Considering Social Costs | National Assembly Futures Institute |
23/05/2022-30/04/2023 | Phase 2 ('20~'22) Joint Research on Air Quality between Korea and China (Ⅲ) | National Institute of Environmental Research |
09/06/2022-19/12/2022 | A Study on Emission Trading System Reduction Effects and Cost Analysis | Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Research Center |
01/06/2022-31/12/2028 | Development of a Global Transportation Sector Model for Implementing Carbon Neutrality | Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute |
20/07/2022-15/05/2023 | A Study on Improvement Measures for Paid Allocation System to Enhance Emission Trading System Activation | Ministry of Environment |
01/08/2022-31/10/2022 | Estimation of Potential Stranded Assets Scale in Domestic Thermal Power Plants | Korea Energy Economics Institute |
01/11/2022-28/02/2023 | A Study on the 2050 Carbon Neutrality Transition Pathway (Ⅰ) | Sookmyung Women's University Research & Business Development |
01/02/2023-30/06/2023 | Analysis of the Economic Ripple Effects of Changes in Investment and Operation of Power Generation Facilities | Korea Energy Economics Institute |
01/03/2023-29/02/2024 | A Study on the 2050 Carbon Neutrality Transition Pathway (Ⅱ) | Sookmyung Women's University Research & Business Development |
09/05/2023-03/04/2024 | Phase 3 ('23~'25) Joint Research on Air Quality between Korea and China (Ⅰ) | National Institute of Environmental Research |
14/06/2023-15/12/2023 | A study on the Emission Prediction Technology for Emission Trading System and Emission Allowance Supply Analysis Study | Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Research Center |
01/04/2019-31/12/2020 | A Study on the Development of Energy and Health Information for Fine Dust Policy Support | Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute |
02/08/2021-31/08/2021 | Analysis of Fine Dust and Greenhouse Gas Effects by Modernization Projects | Daejeon Combined Heat & Power Plant |
06/04/2022-02/12/2022 | A Study on International Carbon Emission Reduction Target Trends and Database Construction Study | Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Research Center |
09/05/2022-04/12/2022 | Development of Strategies for 2022 Climate Change Negotiation | Korea Environment Corporation |
10/06/2022-10/12-2022 | A Study on Listing and Promotion Strategies for Emission Allowance Futures | Korea Exchange |
02/08/2022-31/01/2024 | A Study on the Contribution of Community Energy to National Carbon Neutrality Policies and Linkage Strategy of Carbon Pricing Systems | Korea District Heating Corporation |
23/09/2022-22/09/2023 | Monitoring and Assessment of National Roadmap for Greenhouse Gas Reductions by 2021 | Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Research Center |
22/03/2023-14/02/2024 | A Study on the Establishment of 4th Emission Trading Scheme Basic Plans | Ministry of Environment |
20/04/2023-08/12/2023 | International Community Greenhouse Gas Reduction Trends Analysis | Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Research Center |
24/04/2023-19/12/2023 | Development of Strategies for 2023 Climate Change Negotiation | Korea Environment Corporation |
07/06/2023-28/12/2023 | A Study on Development of Agendas for UNFCCC Adaptation Week 2023 High Level Discussion (Global Adaptation Dialogue) | Ministry of Environment |
28/06/2023-30/04/2024 | A Study on Development of Methodology for National GHG Emission Forecasting Based on the New Climate Regime | Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Research Center |
17/08/2017-16/08/2018 | Development of support measures and the role of low-cost heat sources in the district heating programs | Korea District Heating Corporation |
09/03/2020-18/12/2020 | A study on the advancement of the ETS price forecast model | Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Research Center |
26/10/2020-21/08/2021 | Development of strategies for 2020 climate change negotiation | Korea Environment Corporation |
19/08/2016-11/02/2018 | A study on the role of CHP in district heating programs | Korea District Heating Corporation |
18/06/2021-14/05/2022 | Phase 2 ('20~'22) Joint Research on Air Quality between Korea and China (Ⅱ) | Ministry of Environment, National Institute of Environmental Research |
28/05/2019-21/02/2020 | Development of strategies for 2019 climate change negotiation | Korea Environment Corporation |
12/08/2020-08/02/2021 | Technological assessment on the waste sector of developing countries(Sri Lanka, Indonesia) | Korea Environment Corporation |
02/08/2016-29/03/2017 | A study on the enhanced support for greenhouse gas emissions reduction at the municipal level | Korea Environment Corporation |
01/06/2018-31/12/2018 | A study on greenhouse gas inventory and reduction targets of major developing countries(I) | Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Research Center |
06/04/2020-31/03/2021 | Improvement of market stabilization policies and facilitation of information sharing under the K-ETS | Korea Environment Corporation |
01/04/2021-31/12/2021 | Korean high-resolution space-time activities for mid- to long-term management of PM10 in Northeast Asia | KONKUK University |
26/06/2017-22/12/2017 | A study on the methodology for establishment, implementation and assessment of the local governments' GHG reduction plans | Korea Environment Corporation |
21/05/2019-20/12/2019 | A study on building the ETS price forecast model | Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Research Center |
06/11/2021-30/11/2022 | Preliminary Feasibility Study and Advancement of Decarbonisation R&D of SMEsR&D | Korea Technology and Information Promotion Agency for SMEs |
28/03/2017-29/01/2018 | Investigation of the methods to avoid the double counting of the market mechanism under the Paris Agreement and negotiation strategies | Ministry of Environment |
05/04/2021-10/12/2021 | Study on Economic Feasiblility of K-ETS 2nd Planned Period(2018~2020) | Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Research Center |
08/11/2017-07/05/2019 | Analysis on greenhouse gas emission reduction potentials of district heating and establishment of the post-2020 roadmap | Korea District Heating Corporation |
01/08/2020-30/08/2020 | Data collection service for fine dust emission coefficients and technology characteristics in the power generation sector | Green Technology Center |
31/03/2020-30/03/2021 | Monitoring and assessment of National Roadmap for Greenhouse Gas Reductions by 2030 | Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Research Center |
21/12/2020-15/06/2021 | The necessity and promotion strategy of six major transformations for sustainable development in Korea-energy and industry, health and well-being, governance, ecosystem, digital | Korea Development Institute |
17/03/2017-15/12/2017 | A study on the environment-friendly electricity mix considering fine dust and climate change | Ministry of Environment |
16/11/2020-12/05/2021 | Development of the heat consumption prediction model | Korea District Heating Corporation |
14/05/2021-13/05/2022 | Monitoring and assessment of National Roadmap for Greenhouse Gas Reductions by 2018~2020 | Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Research Center |
21/10/2020-31/03/2025 | Forecasting high resolution spatial-temporal activities in Korea for fine particle air quality management in Northeast Asia (R&D) | National Research Foundation of Korea |
03/06/2019-29/11/2019 | Preparation of the strategies to improve the Target Management System for the linked evaluation with the national greenhouse gas reduction target | Korea Environment Corporation |
02/11/2020-03/09/2021 | A study on the GHG mitigation measures in the power sector for the establishment of the LT-LEDS | Korea Power Exchange |
25/05/2020-24/10/2020 | A study on the contextual model concerning the interaction between the electricity market and emissions trading scheme | Korea Energy Economics Institute |
01/04/2016-31/12/2019 | Development of cost-benefit model for integrated management of greenhous gases and ambient air pollutants (R&D) | Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute |
31/07/2018-30/07/2019 | A study on the rate system reform of natural gas to expand the distributed resources | Korea District Heating Corporation |
06/07/2021-02/01/2022 | Development of strategies for 2021 climate change negotiation | Korea Environment Corporation |
08/08/2019-04/12/2019 | A study on the strategies to improve the GHG reduction policies through the analysis of the national GHG reduction policies and emissions trends | Ministry of Environment |
10/05/2021-09/10/2021 | Evaluation of Greenhouse Gas Reduction Potential in Industrial Sector | Green Technology Center |
22/04/2019-30/06/2021 | A study on a small scale integrated model of the long term-term projections and cost-benefit analysis of the ambient air pollutants (R&D) | Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute |
29/09/2017-20/12/2017 | Development of the overlapping generations model considering the changing population structure | National Assembly Budget Office |
06/07/2020-04/12/2020 | Establishment of a greenhouse gas mitigation master plan for developing countries | Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Research Center |
10/03/2021-09/10/2021 | A Study on the Implementation Strategy of Net-Zero in the Transportation Sector | Ministry of Environment |
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